Foundation- II

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1. Analyse the adaus with different jatis.
2. Combine the knowledge of adavus, shollus and svara pattern.
3. Use hastas and padabhedas in accordance with Abhinayadarpana.

Practical:- Abhinaya

1. Understand essence of the 'Ashtarasas' and aquire advance knowledge of the same.
2. To aquire Introductory knowledge to the 'Content' of the repertoire of the style.
3. To apply the basics of 'Abhinaya' to an item of the style.
4. To relate Theory with Practicals.

Music and talas

1. Understand basic concepts of Tala and expression.
2. Understand the influence of beats of music on the steps in the respective dance style.
3. Identify and recite teeramanam jatis.
4. Understand the difference between jati and korvai.

Origin and History Of Bharata Natyam

1. To know the History and Development of Bharata Natyam through Tamil literary sources.
2. understand the significance of Ancient Tamil Literature and Dance.
3. Student will be able to describe, analyse and evalute the role of Dance in the Cultural Environment of Tamil Nadu.

Origin, History and Development of Kerala Dance Tradition

1. To understand the History and development of Kerala Dance tradition and theatrical art forms.
2. Acquire knowledge of Geographical, Historical, Social, and Cultural circumstances of Kerala as influencing factor in development of Art form.
3. Acquire introductory knowledge of Sanskrit Drama, Chakkyar Kuttu, Kudiyattam, Kathakali and Folk and Ritualistic Art Forms.


1. Students are acquainted with Classiacl Sanskrit Poets and Literature.
2. Reading and analysis of extacts from classical Sanskrit literature.
3. Knowledge of Sandhis.
4. Basic knowledge of grammar.

Technique in Bharatanatyam and Mohini Attam and Kathakali

1. To understand technique of the style through technical treatises like Natyashstra.
2. Aquire knowledge of repertoire of the opted Dance style.
3. Aquire knowledge of technical terms in dance.

Contemprary Scene in Indian Dance

1. Aquire introductory knowledge of seven dance styles.
2. Students get brief information of leading dance institutes in India.
3. Get information about life and contribution of leading dancers in 20th Century.
4. Introductory knowledge of Sanskrit texts relevant to Dance.


1. Deliver impromptu speech.
2. Write formal letters.
3. Understand Epic characters from dancer's point of view.