BPA Part II (Bharata Natyam)

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Practical I - Nritta

1. To gain knowledge of a 2nd set of the repertoire and understand its intricacies.
2. Student will be able to include rhythmic complexities in performance.
3. Student will be able to inter-relate the shlokas of Abhinayadarpanam / Balaramabharatam and the Natyashastric aspects to Nritta.

Practical II - Abhinaya

1. To imbibe the nuances of Abhinaya through advanced items of the repertoire of the style.
2. To be able to perform Abhinaya with Subtlety by identifying and applying the concept of 'Body Language' in Indian classical dance.
3. To gain maturity as a performer.
4. To be able to inter-relate the shlokas of Abhinayadarpanam and the Natyashastric aspects to Abhinaya.

Practical IV Music and Talas

1. Aquire advance knowledge of Ragas.
2. Recitation of complicated tala.
3. Application of the knowledge of Music and Tala in Dance and choreography.

Prcatical IV- Choreography

1. To gain knowledge of the basic concepts of classical dance choreography.
2. To understand the significance of 'laya' (rhythm) and 'Sahitya' (literature) in the context of Dance Choreography.
3. To be able to apply the various theories of Aesthetics and concepts of Indian classical dance to Choreography.
4. To be able to confidently create new choreography pieces.
5. Tap the potential of Innovativeness, Creativity, Artistic Visualisation.