Author Talk by Shri Utkarsh Patel on "Indra"
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NALANDA ‘s Knowledge Resource Centre (Library) and IQAC Department organised a “ Author Talk “in college auditorium "Kanak Sabha" on 15th Jan,2025 at 2.00 p.m.The program was conducted as part of an initiative Under "Vachan Sankalp Maharashtrache" by the Govt. of Maharashtra to foster reading habits amongst the college students.The college had the privilege of hosting a captivating Author Talk session with Shri Utkarsh Patel sir,a renowned mythologist, speaker and a celebrated author.Sir talked about his Book "INDRA-the rise and fall of a hero" .He discussed in detail about the different myths and legends around the mythological character "INDRA" .HIs popularity and downfall in ancient scriptures and in modern santhan society.The session concluded with an interactive Q&A, where attendees got their questions answered directly by the author.It was a truly enriching experience for both the students and teachers alike.