Nalanda with NCPA's Nritya Parichay Program

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  • Nalanda with NCPA's Nritya Parichay Program

    Nalanda with NCPA's Nritya Parichay Program

    It was indeed an interesting experience for the children of Dr. Datta Samant Vidyalaya to learn about Bharata Natyam and appreciate it's inherent beauty, especially while learning moral values through dance and the narratives which they will imbibe into their lives with a better understanding of the art !! So glad to initiate them into enjoying the Indian Classical Arts in their traditional and truest form through Nalanda.
    This lovely session was made possible due to the undeterred efforts of NCPA's ever encouraging and energetic Performing Arts team heralded by Swapnokalpa Dasgupta ji, Nalanda's very own Kshama Puranik and the lovely Marian.